4. Check Payment

To inquire about the status of a payment made through APM, you can use this service to retrieve the current status and details of the payment.

Check Payment

GET {{Base Adres}}/api/paywall/apm/query

    "ErrorCode": 0,
    "Result": true,
    "Message": "",
    "Body": "1.0.0"

Important: To use the APM Payment Inquiry service, you need to send the 'apikeypublic' and 'apiclientpublic' parameters in the 'Header' section." PaymentAPI Address

The parameters that need to be sent to the service are as follows:

The parameters returned from the service are as follows:

    "ErrorCode": 0,
    "Result": true,
    "Message": "",
    "Body": {
        "ApmConnectionId": 1,
        "ApmProviderKey": "Papara",
        "ApmTransactionId": 31,
        "CurrencyId": 1,
        "MerchantUniqueCode": "TESTMERCaHANTUNssIQUECODE",
        "UniqueCode": "eed41239-84a2-4ae6-8927-f9aa4ccee94f",
        "MerchantSuccessBackUrl": "https://webhook.site/38a6fa6f-3414-40db-b2a7-a6c38894b6a3",
        "MerchantFailBackUrl": "https://webhook.site/38a6fa6f-3414-40db-b2a7-a6c38894b6a3",
        "Amount": 1.00,
        "Description": "test",
        "ChannelType": 1,
        "StatusId": 1,
        "Status": "Oluşturuldu",
        "TypeId": 1,
        "Type": "Satış",
        "Ip": "::1",
        "DateTime": "2023-09-04T14:47:03.485303"

Last updated