1. Recurring Creation

Create Recurring Payment

POST {{Base Adres}}/api/paywall/recurring

Important: In order to use the payment service, you need to send the 'apikeypublic' and 'apiclientpublic' parameters in the 'Header' field. PaymentAPI Address

The parameters that need to be sent to the service are as follows:

Sample to be sent to the service JSON and sample codes is as follows

    "Card": {
        "UniqueCode": "aQbAoMhiAeYSfailjc2UzF7S1E/6QC=="
    "SubscriptionType": 1,
    "SubscriptionMerchantCode": "12asaaaaasssaasaass2ada3",
    "CurrencyId": 1,
    "Amount": 110,
    "CallbackUrl": "https://webhook.site/8d70cb8e-fe1b-478b-8ee3-823870549ef2",
    "HasTrial": false,
    "TrialDay": 10,
    "RecurringPeriodType": 1,
    "FailAttempt": 1,
    "FailAttemptPendingHour": 1,
    "Customer": {
        "Name": "Jogni",
        "Lastname": "Kivi",
        "Phone": "5554433212",
        "Email": "kivijogni@paywall.one",
        "Country": "Turkey",
        "City": "Istanbul",
        "Address": "Heaven",
        "IdentityNumber": "11111111110"
    "Items": [
            "Type": 1,
            "Name": "Gold Package",
            "Amount": 110

The parameters returned from the service are as follows:

    "ErrorCode": 0,
    "Result": true,
    "Message": "",
    "Body": null

Last updated