3. To IBAN

You can authorize PayWall with your own access credentials through the PayOut providers supported by PayWall and perform your PayOut transactions.


POST {{Base Address}}/api/paywall/payout/send/iban

Yukarıda verilmiş olan adrese istek atmanız yeterli olacaktır. Test ortamı ve Gerçek ortam için 'Base Address' istediğiniz gibi kullanabilirsiniz.

Important: To use the Payout - To IBAN service, you need to send the 'apikeyprivate' and 'apiclientprivate' parameters in the 'Header' field.

PaymentAPI Address

The parameters that need to be sent to the service are as follows:

    "PayoutProviderKey": "ProviderKey",
    "MerchantUniqueCode": "ASDJHISOFIFJDJAJF23423",
    "ReceiverTitle": "Receiver Title",
    "ReceiverIban": "TR370006400000293847574839",
    "Description": "Description",
    "Amount": 10,
    "CurrencyId": 1

Response from the service:

    "ErrorCode": 0,
    "Result": true,
    "Message": "",
    "Body": {
        "Result": true,
        "PayoutTransactionId": 53,
        "MerchantUniqueCode": "123123s1a2da3",
        "UniqueCode": "db1780b8-682d-4274-a519-5b52a4988e51",
        "Amount": 0.1

Last updated